Learnings & Best practices from building Topic models

5 minute read

Text, Text everywhere.

With the rise of social media, short messaging platforms such as twitter, technology discussion forums such as stackoverflow, hacker news and reddit see continuous activity. As a result, lot of text gets generated and this momentum will continue in future not just in English language but also in lot of other regional, low resource languages. Also, these social features are slowly seeping into the enterprise products and helps in producing better collaborate between teams.

Measuring the effectiveness and understanding what gets discussed in these platforms are important for leaders in making decisions. Topic modeling provides a rudimentary tool to get a quick bird’s eye view of the most important topics discussed in the channels.

This article focuses on topic modeling, all channels are not created equal. There are channels for question-answering, messaging for communication and discussions. Each channel has its own nuances, however topic modeling is a good first step for all of them.

Topic modeling

It is a unsupervised learning technique. Given a corpus of text, the algorithm tries to find the most important topics (words) from it. There are different approaches to it, the following are covered in this article.

  1. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and its semi-supervised flavour Guided LDA
  2. Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
  3. Clustering / Embedding based methods


Typical technique well supported in most of the contexts is this LDA algorithm. This article explains it in an intuitive way compared to most of the others that are too high on math.

In short, a document (any text message) is considered as a bag of words. Initially, the words in the document are initialized randomly against the topics (number of topics is a hyperparameter). Using an iterative algorithm, the conditional probability of a topic given a word in a document p(z|w,D) is maximized until convergence.

The most important words for every topic (based on word counts) are produced by the algorithm. Most of the times,the top 5 words are a very good representative of the topic.

Evaluating the optimal number of topics is a bit tricky and mostly done using coherence scores.

The trained model can be used to produce the topic for new documents / text messages. Being a probabilistic method, this algorithm provides a probability score (sums to 1) for every document-topic mapping

Guided LDA

It is just the semi-supervised flavor of LDA where the initialization of the words with respect to topics can be done at a higher probablity if the words belonging to the topics are known apriori. This is definitely a powerful way to code rules into model optimization procedure. This produces better topics than random initialization of vanilla LDA in the scenarios that we tested.


Given a document-word matrix (M), the method factors them into two matrices W X H. The W matrix provides the document-topic relationship and the H matrix provides topic-words mapping.

  • M -> d x w (document x words)
  • W -> d x z (document x topics)
  • H -> z x w (topics x words)

The documents are tokenized first using a TF-IDF tokenizer first to produce the Document-Term matrix which is then used for factorization. A very good implementation is here

For smaller texts, this method seems to produce better results compared to the LDA method. (not sure if it’s proven)

BERT Embedding

With transfer learning and well documented advantages of BERT models in literature, it is unavoidable to apply them for topic models. The LDA / NMF methods are bag of word approaches and don’t consider text semantics.

A simple method is to generate embedding vectors for every document and perform a k-means clustering. Then the resulting cluster messages are used to get the top words for every topic.

Sentence-transformers architecture converts a text message into a 768d embedding which when used on short messages produced meaningful clusters.

Finding optimal number of clusters is a challenge, using elbow method with wss (within-cluster sum of square).


  • Data cleaning improves topics. Spending time on Exploratory analysis and understanding the dataset is a sure way to get better topics.
    1. Careful stop words removal
    2. Lemmatization
    3. Tokeninzation methods and its hyperparameters
  • Some words can be part of multiple topics and this is acceptable

  • Review the topics with people that have domain knowledge on the documents to avoid surprises

  • For shorter texts, NMF is a good method to start with and move on to guided lda if looking for a semi-supervised method.


  • LDA is unstable even for minor changes (ex: stop words) and produces different topics across runs even with the same seed.

  • Training pre-trained transformer models with domain specific words can produce better results.

Thanks for reading, please feel free to post your feedback

